This is a copy of the graph of our temperature readings throughout the 6 weeks.
Miss Snapp's reflections on the project:
As you can see, we only had one day that was colder by temperature readings than our February 2nd reading. That surprised me. I thought that we would have have many days lower than that. We did have many days that with the wind chill factor, went much much lower. If you judge by how often students wanted to stand inside for recess, we had MANY cold days. Often the 10:30 temperatures would be nice, but by early afternoon would change drastically.
Any snow storms that we had were short lived with the snow melting quickly. None of the storms laid down very much snow after that starting date.
Our warmest days only just starting appearing. The birds are back and singing their morning greetings. Some tulip plants are beginning to push out of the group. None are blossoming yet. The trees are starting to get buds on them but have not burst out yet.
Taken all these things in account, I would have to say that although there were not big snow storms and there wasn't a real drop in temperature, Alvin was correct. Spring is just now really arriving so I think he actually did do a good job in predicting in the long run.
Just wanted to say how much fun we had reading your blog during Project Groundhog!From Schniggle Fritz in Vanderhoof, BC Canada!!! Where we think we finally see some slight signs of spring!!!!